Make Time Lapse Video from Photos: A Comprehensive Guide

Feb 9, 2024

Time lapse videos are a captivating way to showcase the passing of time and create visually stunning content. Whether you are a professional videographer, filmmaker, or simply enjoy experimenting with different video techniques, creating a time lapse video from photos can add a unique touch to your creative projects. In this comprehensive guide, Bonomotion, a leading advertising and video production company in Miami, Florida, will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make an exceptional time lapse video from photos.

Understanding Time Lapse Photography

Before we dive into the process, it's important to have a clear understanding of time lapse photography. Time lapse photography is a technique that involves taking a series of photos at set intervals and then combining them into a video. These intervals can range from seconds to minutes, hours, or even days, depending on the desired effect. When played back at a standard video frame rate, time appears to be moving quickly, compressing a long period of time into a short video.

Equipment You'll Need

To create a high-quality time lapse video from photos, you'll need the following equipment:

  • A DSLR camera or a smartphone with a capable camera
  • A tripod or stabilizer to keep your camera steady during the photo-taking process
  • A remote shutter release or intervalometer to automate the photo-taking process
  • A memory card with sufficient storage capacity
  • Optional: additional lenses or filters to enhance your shots

Choosing a Time Lapse Interval

One of the most crucial aspects of creating a time lapse video is selecting the appropriate interval between each photo. The interval will depend on the subject you're capturing and the desired outcome. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Fast-moving clouds or traffic: Choose a shorter interval, such as 1-5 seconds, to capture smooth movement.
  • Flowers blooming or construction projects: Opt for a longer interval, such as 30 seconds to a few minutes, to show gradual changes.
  • Sunsets or starry skies: Use longer intervals, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes, to capture the changing light and colors.

Experiment with different intervals and take test shots to determine what works best for your specific scene.

Setting Up Your Camera

Once you've decided on your time lapse interval, it's time to set up your camera. Follow these steps:

  1. Mount your camera securely on a tripod or stabilizer to avoid any movement or shaking during the shoot.
  2. Compose your shot by considering the framing, subject, and any movement that may occur within the frame during the shoot.
  3. Focus manually or use a continuous autofocus mode to ensure your subject remains sharp throughout the shoot.
  4. Set your camera to manual mode to have complete control over the exposure settings. This prevents automatic adjustments between shots that may result in inconsistent lighting.
  5. Choose an appropriate aperture, ISO, and shutter speed for your scene. Consider the lighting conditions and desired depth of field.

Once you've completed these steps, you're ready to start capturing the photos for your time lapse video.

The Photo-Taking Process

Now that your camera is set up, it's time to begin taking photos for your time lapse. Make sure to follow these guidelines:

  1. Activate your camera's intervalometer or use a remote shutter release to automate the photo-taking process. This ensures consistent intervals between each photo.
  2. Monitor the shoot periodically to ensure everything is working correctly and make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Be patient and allow the camera to capture a sufficient number of photos to create a smooth and visually appealing time lapse video.

Post-Processing and Creating the Time Lapse Video

After completing the photo-taking process, it's time to bring your time lapse video to life through post-processing:

  1. Transfer the photos to your computer or external hard drive for editing.
  2. Select the best photos from the series and delete any unnecessary or duplicate shots.
  3. Import the selected photos into video editing software. There are numerous options available, ranging from basic tools like Adobe Premiere Pro to more advanced software like LRTimelapse.
  4. Arrange the photos in the desired order and adjust the duration of each photo to control the speed of your time lapse video. Shorter durations create a faster-paced video, while longer durations result in a slower-paced video.
  5. Add transitions, music, and any additional effects or filters to enhance the visual appeal of your time lapse video.
  6. Preview the video and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a seamless and captivating final result.
  7. Export the video in your desired format and resolution, ready for sharing or showcasing on various platforms.


Congratulations! You've learned the art of creating a captivating time lapse video from photos. By following the step-by-step instructions we've provided in this comprehensive guide, you can now confidently bring your time lapse visions to life. Remember to experiment with different subjects, intervals, and techniques to unleash your creativity and produce truly remarkable time lapse videos.

make time lapse video from photos